What is a network? Take a few moments. How would you describe a network? What examples would you use?
#DigPINS is a structured four week facilitated learning community that aims to develop a network of colleagues who explore digital Pedagogy, Identity Networks, and Scholarship (or DigPINS) together.
This Friday, January 18th at 4pm Eastern, the current #DigPINS community is having a live twitter chat to explore the meaning, value, and challenges of networks. We will be talking generally about networks both on and offline. By Networks we mean:
A group of identities that are connected through shared experience, mutual interests, and similar work or goals.
Autumm Caines
We are excited to be joined by Donna Lanclos (@donnalanclos), who will help us explore this topic in the open. Donna is an anthropologist and folklorist who researches, writes, and speaks about information, digital and physical places, and higher education generally.
I see my work as relevant not just to libraries or universities, but to conversations about how we as a society make sure that people have opportunities to learn how to think critically, to practice those skills, and to find their voices.
Dr. Donna Lanclos
We welcome you to join his conversation, using the #DigPINS.
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